Talk List #
This list is for the discussion of Linux related issues, news, problems, and ideas. Subscribing to this list will automatically subscribe you to the Announce list.
GTALUG proudly supports its Code of Conduct.
Particularly for this list:
- Don’t be the guy on the soapbox,
- Try to stay out of political, social, or religious issues,
- Avoid bad jokes, personal rants or similar non-Linux related discussion,
- Any subscribers who offers or requests pirated software, license keys or cracks, and similar will be dropped from the list without warning, and
- No commercial advertising.
Off topic messages will not be tolerated or endorsed. First time offenders will be warned.
Job Postings are okay… with some rules:
- you have to be subscribed to the mailing list,
- the job you are posting must be located in the Greater Toronto Area, and
- the skill set required must be related to Linux or Open Source.
Have fun on the list, and remember,
- Where possible, please try to post and reply in plain text.
- Please trim quotes in replies, and
- post your response below the quoted text.
To signup send an email to:
Subscribe or unsubscribe using the HTML form here:
You can view the list archive here:
If you are having issues subscribing to the mailing list please contact:
Announce Mailing List #
This is strictly an announcement list, not an interactive forum, from which you will receive important notices from the GTALUG administrators. Subscribing to this list will not automatically subscribe you to the GTALUG forum list.
To subscribe send an email to:
Or signup using the HTML form here:
You can view the list archive here:
If you are having issues subscribing to the mailing list please contact:
Operations Mailing List #
This mailing list is for people participating in operating GTALUG organization.
To subscribe send an email to:
Or signup using the HTML form here:
If you are having issues subscribing to the mailing list please contact:
Board Mailing List #
Invitation only list for active board members.
Legacy Mailing List #
This is an old TLUG mailing list from July 2003 until October 2014.
You can view the list archive here:
This is read-only list there is no subscription available.