Meeting our TMU Hosts with Dave Mason
Dave Mason is the Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Toronto Metropolitan University He has been using the internet since the early 1980s, from the first Canadian university on the internet ( which eventually became He has been using FOSS also since the 1980s (initially GNU Emacs, then XEmacs as well as an early adopter of Slackware). He was active in Unix Unanimous, ran one of the key Toronto usenet sites ( He has been a proponent of Linux/Unix at TMU/Ryerson for 40 years.
Dave will talk about TMU/Ryerson and, in particular the Computer Science Department and our use of Linux.
Dave’s major research is in programming languages. He will also give a short presentation on Zag Smalltalk and its research goals.
Date / Time:
September 10th, 2024 19:30 EST
In Person: TMU George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre, 245 Church Street (just north of Dundas), Room 201 (See note below)
Online using Nextcloud:
The doors to the building are normally locked. There will be someone from GTALUG at the doors on the southeast corner of Church and Gould to let people in. If you come late or don’t see anyone at the door please SMS at 647 657 6575 for THIS NIGHT ONLY. Do not call.

Traditionally many GTALUG attendees have met for dinner at Kabul Express, 126 Dundas East, about an hour before the scheduled meeting. We will try this again on the 13th, but since the dining options in the area have expanded dramatically since we last met, we may decide on other locations for future meetings.